The course is scheduled to be held in Washington DC, the USA from the 13 to 17 May 2013. To register for the course visit :
Microfin has long been the microfinance “industry standard” for planning and budgeting. Microfin allows you to develop detailed five-year financial projections and budgets for your institution, and to simulate the impact of key decisions on your institution. This fast-paced course is designed to be highly participatory, with a large amount of hands-on time working in groups at the computer, applying the software to a detailed case study. In addition to the course manual, at the conclusion of the course, participants will receive a CD-ROM containing Microfin and the User’s Handbook. By the end of the workshop you will have a better understanding of:
- How to use Microfin to develop financial projections for your own institution
- Practical approaches to planning
- The most important financial ratios to monitor, and how to interpret them
- Critical operational issues such as designing products to meet client needs, pricing your products, and focusing on loan officers to leverage institutional productivity
- How to develop long-term, diversified financing strategies This workshop is facilitated by the two developers of Microfin and is based on the CGAP Handbook they authored, Business Planning and Financial Modeling for Microfinance Institutions. They have taught this course in 20 countries around the world, and it is one of the most recognized and attended courses in all of the microfinance.